Eco Club

ECO Club

The main aim of the Eco club is to develop green consciousnessand promote awareness and social responsibility among students. It also aims tosensitize the students on different environmental issues such as climatechange, global warming, pollution, deforestation, endangered species,exploitation of natural resources, ozone depletion, etc. We engage ourstudents, faculty and general public in diverse activities and trips thatpromote environmental consciousness towards better solution for the currentenvironmental problems. Students are also motivated through competitions, quizprograms and awareness programs on Wildlife and Environmental Conservations.

Eco club seeks to promote environmental awareness at the grass-rootlevel by creating and nurturing green consciousness among the students.Understanding the central role of youth in saving the environment, itencourages them to be ambassadors for spreading the message of adopting aneco-friendly lifestyle in society at large.The club provides a platform tocreate awareness about biodiversity conservation and local environmental issuesby urging people to adapt their daily habits to the most sustainable optionsand adopt eco-friendly practices like recycling & saving non-renewableresources.

It advances the notion that being environment friendly is moreabout making informed choices on a personal level that changes one’s perceptionabout and consumption of resources. It emphasizes on the fact that thecommitment to go green requires small & surprisingly easy changes thatreduce one’s carbon footprint thereby benefiting both the wallet and planet.


·       To motivate the students to keep their surroundings clean

·       To promote water conservation and energy conservation

·       To educate waste management

·       To organize tree plantation programs to go green

·       To avoid and minimize the usage of plastics

·       To establish awareness, attitude and participation of Collegestudents in environmental activities.

Members of the Club

Sl. No.





Mrs Arpita Mukherjee


Asstt Professor (Biotechnology)


Dr Damini Vishwakarma


Asstt Professor (Chemistry)


Dr Rupa Chakraborty


Asstt Professor (Chemistry)


Ms Divya Dubey


Asstt Professor (Maths)
