Deputy Director Desk


Dear Students,

Welcome to Sai College, one of the most prestigious institutes of higher learning. The College was established in the year 2005 and since then the college has taken progressive initiatives to mature into a vibrant centre of excellence. We believe that education is not just about earning degrees and certificates. So, at Sai College, we go beyond the confines of classrooms and established curricula to unlock the hidden potential of each student. The emphasis is on the cultivation of ana lytical mind and scientific temper along with the concomitant imparting of moral values that equip the students to combat w hatever challenges they encounter. The college is committed to provide job oriented quality education through the use of latest course designs, innovative techniques and smart teaching practices.

Sai College offers a healthy blend of academics, sports, arts and personality development curriculum nurtured by our dynamic and visionary management assisted by the dedicated faculty. Added features are an architecturally wonderful and spacious campus,high-tech laboratories, a rich library and hostels with best available facilities. Allthese combineto make learninga pleasant and rewarding experience. Our college believes in movingahead with changing needs of the time. Over the years our thrust has been on introducingvalue based courses with global outlook.

By offering a multitude of courses the college hopes to empower 'Young India' by preparing students not just for a lucrative career but a lso to face the myriad challenges of life. Equal stress is on moral va lues that develop the humane side of personality and a sense of soc ial responsibility. In the session 2012-2013, we are expecting an addition in more numbers of courses and enhancement of seats with an addition of new Arts faculty. Once again I welcome you to Sai College fa mily and honestly hope that your yea rs in this world class institute will be fruitful and enriching to make your life a grand success. I expect you to read this Prospectus carefully and on joi ning extend your cooperation and support in fulfillingour mission of givinga new meaningto education.

With best wishes to all !

MSc. (Chemistry), MSc. (Computer Sc.), MCA, MPhil. P.hD

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